Many pool owners find themselves asking, “how do I get rid of algae in my pool?” We understand your frustrations. But you have to understand that algae spores constantly enter the pool, because of weather factors such as rain, wind, and sometimes items like contaminated pool cleaning products. It’s important to maintain good circulation, filtration, and sanitation or else pool algae may form.
You can’t fully get rid of algae in your pool. Even the cleanest pools have microscopic algae but it waits for an opportunity to grow exponentially. When conditions such as out of balance water, warming temperatures, sunlight, and nitrates occur at once, an algae bloom can spread in just hours time.
Algae spread all over your pool requires a lot of money and time to rid the water completely of it. Once algae bloom in the area, it is easier for it to return a second and third time. Also, algae can cloud your pool water, making reducing depth perception for divers and swimmers. By clogging up pathways, algae can also clog your pool filter, which decreases its effectiveness and may require extended care or even replacement.
Did you know that there are over 21,000 known varieties of existing algae? But it’s easy to classify each by the color they produce. Here are the different algae types:
Maintaining the correct chemical balance and sanitizer levels help prevent algae growth. High pH and low chlorine, for example, can provide algae with an incentive to bloom. Try using cyanuric acid to protect your chlorine from sun heat. Upkeeping cleanliness is also important because organic materials and harmful bacteria can also add to growth. Consistent brushing is not only good exercise, it helps prevent debris from accumulating in the plaster, which helps algae grow too. In order to filtrate your pool best, use chemicals or algaecides to provide sanitation and filtration. The chemicals we recommend are below:
Balance your pool water and stay mindful of your pH levels. Always check that your filter and pump are working well. Furthermore, shut off your pool heater to lower the water temperature. Adjust your pool valves too to instill great circulation so that your pump can run all day until the pool clears itself. Brush the walls and floors of your pool near main drains and vacuum as often as you can.
Furthermore, using a flocculent may be ideal after swimming pool shocking if your pool is exceedingly discolored. How do I know if its discolored? If you cannot see the bottom of your pool, and it’s filled with debris, it may be beneficial to drain your pool, acid wash it, and refill it only if it’s a plaster swimming pool. It is nearly impossible to restore clear water to a pool that is very dirty with debris.
If contaminants have been an ongoing problem for some time, it might be best to drain your pool completely. Years of algae build up can result in dead algae cells along the walls that may spur a regeneration of the same problem. Acid washes and chlorine washes can kill the root of the issue.